8 bits of bun

8 bits of bun

Last update:
September 17, 2021, 18:01

PC mods

My passion for modifying computer cases goes back to my first pc ever. Like making lego cases for it  in my early years/

Since then i went to think on more touch looking case designs and made some a reality with my dad.

Though, since i came across the concept of 3D printing, i am looking to use that with more knowledge on good designs that fit my needs (which is more focussed on airflow and sleek designs these years)

Asus casemod

What started as a simple mod for better looks on my old Asus Vento TM-811 case ended up being a dedicated implementation of my ideal PC case.

The first step was getting the plans done, including 3D model to get a idea of what the mods will be.

At first i settled on :

  • One 92mm fan (bottom) plus two 120mm fan (1x rear, 1x front)
  • Full black paintjob with swap-able panel (for a fan, ventilation, or something else)
  • A decent cable management system
Stage 1: Initial goals

Stage 2: Custom front panel

After some rethinking and front panel design iterations i thought:
"i can fit 2 140mm fans in the front of the case if i play nicely with the things i have"
So, i did design that as a custom, yet minimalist front panel for the case.
While not complete or accurate enough to print for now, it shows what i want to achieve.

Antec VSK2000-U3 airflow front

The standard front of the Antec VSK2000-U3 has way to less air intake for most uses, so i designed a custom one to allow much more air intake in a sleeper style design.